Galateca Gallery, Bucharest, Romania, 2015
Video installation, 2 channels (4')
Trees animate our daily lives. While their presence and motion is rarely observed consciously, trees have profound effects on the rhythm of life, and on our moods and emotions. In order to create realistic 3D animations, motion capture (MOCAP) technologies have become increasingly important. There are now online stores with extensive collections of these files for sale, trading stock human movements. As capturing motion data for animals is more difficult, there are many MOCAPs of people enacting various animal movements. Taking these abstracted animal movements as they are performed by humans, and applying them to tree structures, in a moving image installation, reveals the similarities and differences between how living things exist in space and our expectations of their movement. The work conveys a sensitivity to the connections implicit in non-sentient and sentient beings, how motion defines and transcends categorisation, and what role pragmatism in the digital world might play in philosophical thinking.